Monday, October 15, 2007


October 18, 2007 GVSC Regular Agenda

  • Request for Electoral Area ‘D’ Participation in the Greater Vernon Water Utility.5.1 Letter from Director R. Fairbairn, Electoral Area ‘D’ dated September 18, 2007. Director Fairbairn will speak on this issue.
    THAT staff be directed to investigate the background for including only Vernon, Coldstream and Areas “B” and “C” in original governance of the Greater Vernon Water Service.

  • Amendments to Parks DCC Bylaw 6.1 Report from Al McNiven, Director of Parks, Recreation & Culture dated October 18,2007.

  • 2008 Ford World Women’s Curling Championships 8.1 Report from Denny Raincock, Economic Development Manager dated October 9, 2007.
    1. That the Greater Vernon Services Committee not approve the request from the 2008 Ford World Women’s Curling Championships to waive the $38,000 rental fees for use of the Greater Vernon Multiplex.
    2. That the Greater Vernon Services Committee approve the following in kind support as requested by the 2008 Ford World Women’s Curling Championships, totaling $27,265:

  • Vernon Hospice House Development Cost Charges 10.2 Report from Brian Reardon, Administrator dated October 4, 2007.
    THAT the Greater Vernon Services Committee direct staff to prepare a report that provides consideration of the request from the City of Vernon to waive park and water Development Cost Charges or provide a grant in lieu of these charges for the
    Vernon Hospice facility addition.

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