Friday, October 19, 2007

RCMP in the black

by Wayne Moore - Oct 19, 2007 Castanet
A number of vacancies within the Kelowna RCMP has resulted in a significant surplus in the detachment's 2007 operating budget. Kelowna City Council has agreed to amend the 2007 financial plan and re-direct the $300,000 surplus to address some capital deficiencies within the RCMP. The funds would be diverted into six specific capital projects

City Manager, Ron Mattiussi, says this type of fund transfer is uncommon within City departments. "We try not to ask for more than we need, but sometimes there are some anomalies that crop up, and this is one of those," says Mattiussi. He says the practice is discouraged, but with the unique nature of the RCMP, it does happen from time to time. "They don't always know if they are going to get an officer or a cadet. It is a situation we hope to be able to deal with."
Don Quixote Note: Vernon has yet to post their final 2007-2011 5 year financial on their website. Any amendments as required by the Community Charter to recognize significant deviations should be made before year end to help the upcoming 2008 budget cycle that is now underway.

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