Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Referendum sought for library

Vernon’s mayor is demanding some clear direction on the future of a proposed library/office complex. Council will hold a workshop Thursday to review current options regarding the facility, and Wayne Lippert says it’s time for council to make a final decision. “I hope and expect there will be a decision to go to referendum before Christmas,” he said. Coun. Patrick Nicol also favours holding a public vote. “People really want their say and that’s what a referendum would do,” he said.

The city generated considerable controversy this summer when it opted to seek public approval for borrowing $20 million through a petition process instead of a referendum. Ultimately, the petition process failed because more than 10 per cent of registered voters signed in opposition. Since then, the city has been considering its options for funding a building that would include a new library, as well as space for city workers and the RCMP. “I hope we continue to go along the path we’ve been on for six years,” said Nicol. The discussions, which will start at 1 p.m. Thursday at city hall, will include a design for the proposed facility and preliminary costs for construction. “We will have good information to take to the public,” said Lippert.

On Tuesday, staff presented a report to council that suggested all or part of the casino grant reserve could be put towards the complex. Through the provincial government, the city receives a portion of the revenue generated at Lake City Casinos. The reserve fund’s projected balance for 2007 is $1.6 million. Nicol is reluctant to dip into casino reserves for the proposed building. “It is infrastructure but people expect a majority of it (casino money) to be retained in roads. The casino funds could also go to worthwhile organizations,” he said. That’s also the view of Coun. Juliette Cunningham, who wants to see the city support the Social Planning Council. “We need to look at casino funds for a number of opportunities,” she said.

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