Monday, October 01, 2007

Vernon has ZERO % tax increase projected in 2009.

On page A29 of the The Morning Star on Sunday Sept 30 was a statutory ad for the City of Vernon's 2008 Property Tax exemptions. If correct it projects a return to the Mayor McGrath days of zero % tax increases in 2009. (last time this happened was in 1996 and 1997)

These are the permissive tax exemptions that Council is permitted to give to various groups including Churches, Social services, Cultural, Recreational etc. The rates and amounts are determined each year by Council after being vetted by a tax exemption committee and the Finance Committee of Council.

This year there were few changes with the John Howard society property given a 3 year phased in 100% exemption and Camp Hurlburt changed from the 50% recreational category to the 100% social services. Also absent from this list were the IHA properties that have been listed as a permissive exemption in prior years. IHA is battling with BC assessment that their properties are a statutory exemption and apparently did not apply for a permissive tax exemption for 2008. Consequently last years total of $996,765 (from 2006 annual report) which included a $409,324 exemption for Jubilee Hospital assessed at $33,548,000 has been reduced down considerably for 2008. The new total for 2008 is $576,073 according to the ad.

This 2008 figure is based on 2007 mill rates and 2007 assessments. Thus by examining the 2009 and 2010 tax exemptions we can easily interpolate the tax increases that the City is estimating for these years.

The 2008 estimated tax increase is 3.16% while the 2009 rate is 0% (ZERO- NA NA - SFA).

(If you wish to see the Names of these properties as they are only listed by addresses and roll #, you can use the 2006 annual report (p.19 and 20) and use the roll #'s there to get the full picture.)

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