Sunday, October 21, 2007

World’s wins partial GVSC support

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - October 21, 2007

There are limits to supporting a major international sports event.The Greater Vernon Services Committee has agreed to provide $27,265 in in-kind services for the 2008 Ford World Women's Curling Championships but it won’t wave the $38,000 rental fee for the Multiplex. “We have to be mindful of things because it’s taxpayers’ dollars we are using,” said director Wayne Lippert.GVSC waved the rental fees for the Canadian Seniors Curling Championships in 2004, but it received a portion of the revenue to offset its costs. Revenue sharing is not part of the arrangements with the Ford World’s in February.Lippert added that Greater Vernon is also part of the North Okanagan Regional District’s $60,000 contribution to the event.

GVSC’s decision is going over well with event organizers.“We appreciate the support from GVSC and we will move forward knowing what our final budget will be,” said Toby Oswald-Felker, event co-ordinator.The $27,265 in in-kind services refers to a number of activities GVSC would normally be paid for, such as installing the stage at the Multiplex, use of the recreation complex, janitorial services and use of tables and chairs.Director Barry Beardsell opposed providing the in-kind service unless all North Okanagan jurisdictions help cover the cost.“Is this an effort of the entire area or an effort for just Greater Vernon?” he said of the championships’ impact.“They say it’s in-kind but it’s real money.”GVSC officials are currently in discussions with the Ford World Women’s organizers about communications wiring that will be needed for the media at the Multiplex.GVSC had budgeted $10,000 for the work, but the cost has now soared to $84,000.“We have to decide what’s in the $84,000 and was it (work) all supposed to be covered by the $10,000?” said Al McNiven, parks and recreation administrator.

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