Saturday, October 20, 2007

City Hall responds to some of the questions from Sept 24 Annual Report public input !

Agenda Package 1 - 4.95MB Oct 9 .(p.13- 21)
AND FURTHER, that the record of the Public Input for the 2006 Annual Report, held on September 24, 2007, be received. (P. 13) (These are Don Quixote written submission at the public input. (Appears that Council or Staff will make no written reply or comments !)

Agenda Package 1 - 14.1MB P 59-61 (75-77) Oct. 22
B. Memo dated October 10, 2007, from Mr. Kevin Bertles, Manager, Finance, re: Response to the Questions Raised by Mr. R. Spears at the Public Input Session.

Don Quixote NOTE: Above links are for my submission re the Annual Report on Sept. 24 and the answers from the Finance Manager that will come on Monday Oct.22. The initial report has the correct spelling of my surname while the reply has the incorrect spelling. That trivial matter aside I will comment on the responses that will be forthcoming on Monday:
  • A new building bylaw with a full report of building permit values as compared to market values is welcomed. The sooner the better.
  • The library paying 1/3 of the 31,828.14 for the MQN Architects study is acknowledged.
  • RCMP reserve question: I would hope that future transfers to and from this reserve are made in a more open and apparent manner. I'm sure the numbers could be revealed to demonstrate the correctness of this number but the actual resolutions in open Council to authorize transfers are convoluted and hazy.
  • Airport operating loss in 2006 of $189,005 confirmed by financial statements. This does not indicate whether the $18,381 run through the City's books in Dec/06 are part of this loss but I suspect not. (They have been included in my final figure of $6528 surplus next sentence.) Left unanswered if the final 3 year surplus of $6528 after amortization is backed out is transferred to the City's books in 2007 ?
  • The Airport Capital reserve transferred is $47,322.52. The last reconciliation of this amount in late 2006 was $113,333. Difference of $66,010.48. What capital projects were not accounted for in original list? Original final reconciliation can be found at and
  • There is a staff purchase program at London Drugs??? $38,895.33
  • Consultants list is attached and complete. A brief description of services performed.such as infrastructure engineering, OCP, Library facilitator etc. would be better. Total of $909,909.17 was a surprise!
  • The Fringe load variance accrual of $490,000 relates solely to 2006 and was put in a fringe load variance reserve. When 2007 figures are revealed then the overhead variance percentage may have to be re-adjusted? How will this reserve be used in the future?

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