Monday, November 26, 2007

Casino Resolution debated on Monday !

CLICK ON IMAGE TO ENLARGE: The resolution in the report is the legal resolution that the City Clerk is obliged to table for consideration. It is structured in this way to meet the legalities of the Gaming Control Act. (Interesting that our good neighbors of Coldstream were not required to be consulted as they were outside 5 km. limit from actual Casino. )

I am hoping that Council will heed my written presentation and do the following:
  • Approve the resolution as to relocation of casino so as to give better working conditions and safety to their existing and future employees but amend the resolution so as to deny the expansion of slot machines.
  • OR: Send the resolution to referendum and utilize Jan 26 date to reduce referendum costs.
  • OR: Amend the resolution so its passage is subject to the successful conclusion of a negotiated agreement with the Casino operator to provide an annual sum of money for a Social Responsibility Fund similar in size and purpose etc. as that Negotiated between the City of Vancouver and Edgewater Casino.
  • AND make the council intentions known that subject to that successful negotiation of a Social Responsibility Fund with a set annual contribution by the Casino Operator to be used for the direct gambling related problems that may be caused by allowing a Casino, that the Council will set up a separate Social Responsibility Reserve with annual funding at least equal to that provided in the So. Res. Fund negotiation out of the additional funds realized by the Host Government's (Vernon) share of gaming. (This reserve could be allocated for indirect problems that could have their source in gambling including but not limited to drug rehab, alcohol dependency, youth addiction, shelters etc.)
I do not expect that this resolution to proceed on Monday unless the information requested by Council from the BCLC at the Public Input Session on this matter is read into the record. I would also hope that the record of the in-camera meeting July 23, 2007 be declassified and read into the record before any decision is made. (links of infamous meeting below)

BC Lottery Corp insisted upon a DARK SIDE meeting only
!Private meeting upsets Beardsell

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