Sunday, November 25, 2007

Complex issues go unanswered

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - November 25, 2007

The Greater Vernon Services Committee is refusing to get into specifics about a proposed sports complex. Directors received and filed a letter from a Coldstream couple questioning the cost of the facility planned for Aberdeen Road and whether other sites have been considered. Chairman Gary Corner defended not debating the issue.“The problem we have is this really isn’t a GVSC issue right now,” he said.Currently, the District of Coldstream is being asked by the GVSC to forward a land use change application to the Agricultural Land Commission for consideration. Coldstream council has decided to put the matter before residents in a Dec. 15 referendum. If the vote is successful, the ALC would ultimately decide the fate of the land use issue.“If there is approval from the ALC it would come back to the GVSC and we would deal with it,” said Corner, who is also mayor of Coldstream.

But the Coldstream Ratepayers’ Association says a lack of discussion now shows GVSC is avoiding its responsibilities.“It’s their issue, it’s their request,” said Andy Danyliu, association president.“Coldstream is simply responding to their request.”Danyliu added that GVSC initiated the entire process by offering to purchase the Aberdeen Road site from Coldstream Ranch. Danyliu is also concerned about the process that would be followed if the referendum passes and GVSC proceeds with planning for a complex. “Coldstream will never have a say again on the issue,” he said, referring to the fact that Coldstream only holds one vote on the GVSC board compared to three for Vernon and one each for the adjacent electoral areas.

Corner is confident the Aberdeen Road property is ideal for a sports complex and he is hopeful the referendum will be successful.“I understand the opposition to it but you’ll find there’s a fair bit of support,” he said.Danyliu has suggested alternate locations for a complex which he believes should be considered. Among them is a site south of the landfill, which Danyliu insists would be better suited for adult-oriented ball tournaments while youth sports could be closer to residential neighbourhoods.“What I am trying to do is separate the adults from the children,” he said.


GVSC can’t avoid issue Nov 25 Editorial

Recent comments from Greater Vernon Services Committee chairman Gary Corner would be laughable if they weren’t so concerning. After the committee filed a letter about the proposed Aberdeen Road sports complex, Corner said, “The problem we have is this really isn’t a GVSC issue right now.”Not a GVSC issue right now?Isn’t it the committee that has offered to purchase the land from Coldstream Ranch? And isn’t it GVSC seeking a land use change from the Agricultural Land Commission? It should also be pointed out that the District of Coldstream is only considering a referral to the ALC because it has been asked to – once again by GVSC.

It’s increasingly obvious there’s a significant need for additional sports facilities and the Aberdeen Road site is a suitable location because of its proximity to existing Coldstream and Vernon neighbourhoods. But that said, why is GVSC hiding from very legitimate questions about the proposal? As an example, the letter filed by the board dealt with overall costs and alternate sites.And these questions will continue to persist unless GVSC politicians and staff deal with them head-on. With full information out there – including about the complex design – perhaps public support would grow.Being transparent would also counter some of the misinformation coming from opposition forces. In the end, GVSC initiated the entire sports complex process and it’s time to do the right thing and take ownership for the issue.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Being transparent would also counter some of the misinformation coming from the opposition forces." What 'misinformation'?

Second, what proof is there that there is an urgent need for more ball parks? The present ball parks/soccer fields are being used only 75% full capacity (from May to Aug. only). Hmm.