Friday, November 23, 2007

ORL endorses civic complex

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - November 23, 2007

A number of residents may be opposed to a proposed civic complex, but the City of Vernon has the endorsement of a critical partner. Okanagan Regional Library directors assured city officials Wednesday that they continue to want to be part of the complex.“ORL is very supportive of this project,” said chairman Carol Williams.Directors had their first look at the design.“It’s a work in progress but it looks quite good,” said Williams.The building — located between city hall and the museum — would include 30,000-square-feet for a new library branch.

Mayor Wayne Lippert was pleased with the tone of the discussions.“This (ORL) board is in full support of moving ahead and it recognizes Vernon needs expanded library service,” he said. “They like the process we’ve gone through and they see pluses to using the civic site.” Other proposed uses for the complex are offices for city and RCMP staff, as well as possibly a new art gallery.Residents will be asked by the city Jan. 26 to borrow up to $30 million for construction of the complex. As a result, ORL board members agreed Wednesday to extend its partnership agreement with the city until Feb. 29. It was supposed to terminate Dec. 31. Board members also confirmed they want to own their portion of the structure through strata title. To do so, ORL has agreed to make $9 million available for construction through reserves and borrowing funds.ORL and the city are preparing for the referendum.

“There were discussions about getting clear information out to people and ORL will have staff available to help with that,” said Lippert.But while the city and ORL are hopeful the referendum will be successful, options were also discussed in case residents shoot down the city’s ability to borrow money.“There was no specific motion made in that regards. We are prepared to see what would happen if there was a no vote,” said Williams.

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