Friday, November 23, 2007

Water plant costs on the rise

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - November 23, 2007

The price tag for the Duteau Creek water treatment plant has increased again.The Greater Vernon Services Committee approved $3.4 million in upgrades Thursday, bringing the project cost to $28.6 million. The original plan called for $19 million. “Is this thing starting to get out of hand?” said director Barry Beardsell. “If the costs go beyond what’s envisioned, what increase will that have in rates?” However, chairman Gary Corner disagrees that costs are going through the roof and points out that a $13.8 million grant was received from senior government. “It was envisioned when we got grants we’d enhance the plant,” he said, adding that the $19 million plant was a basic design based on no assistance coming forward. Beardsell is also concerned that operating costs may escalate, and he is demanding a financial update on the project.

“Everyone should be aware of where we stand on the financial picture,” he said. Beardsell also wants assurances that former Vernon Irrigation District customers will be pleased with the outcome of the work. “What is the colour of that water going to be in July and August? Will every customer be happy?” he said. Staff believe turbidity and colour will be minimized by the treatment plant, and boil water advisories will become rare.The improvements approved Thursday include a larger reservoir, a chlorination system for irrigation water, chlorine scrubbers and a standby generator.“The upgrades are really beneficial to the plant,” said Bill Di Pisquale, project manager.

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