Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Politicians turn to a mediator (Darkside Meeting at Local Hotel)

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - November 07, 2007

A mediator will try to mend strained relations between Greater Vernon communities.Vernon and Coldstream councils, as well as the Areas B and C directors, will participate in a workshop late Thursday and all-day Friday.“We’ve reached a point where the parties need mediation. They seem to be stalled in their positions,” said Jerry Oglow, chairman of the North Okanagan Regional District, which is organizing the session.“We want to try and find common ground among the parties.”The primary issue is water distribution and whether it should remain as a GVSC function or if it should become the responsibility of individual communities.

The thrust for change is coming from the City of Vernon, largely because of the level of development occurring.“It affects the city budget in terms of roads and sanitary sewer. If we dig roads up for water, it’s logical that we do it all at the same time,” said Barry Beardsell, a Vernon councillor.But not everyone is pleased with the city’s approach.“I’m still in favour of distribution and supply being one, but if one partner is not happy and we can’t work it out, we have to look at options,” said Gary Corner, GVSC chairman and Coldstream mayor.Cliff Kanester, Area B director, supports allowing Vernon to look after its own water distribution. “We want concessions on parks and recreation in lieu of that,” he said. Kanester and Stan Field, Area C director, have suggested Vernon take over administration of most functions and they would just pay for what services their residents access.Kanester says the proposal has been ignored by Vernon and Coldstream.“They just say, ‘Pay and shut up’” he said.

Besides water and parks and recreation, economic development will also be discussed Thursday and Friday.Corner is hoping the session will lead to some progress.“If everyone goes in with a positive mind, we can settle these outstanding issues,” he said. But Kanester is not that optimistic. “I’m not very hopeful unless there are changes in how we do business. Vernon and Coldstream control the whole thing. It’s a dictatorship,” he said.


Don Quixote Note: Rather strange that when the Super Regional Committee has decided to hold all their future meetings open to the public that this glorified meeting of GVSV that will be discussing how areas vital to all taxpayers in the affected areas will be governed and taxed etc. have decided to meet on the Darkside at a local hotel. These meetings will be held in-camera and the costs of the dinner and the $130 per meeting stipend for 16 politicians and their administrative entourage will be on my dime without the public being able to see the learned debate and rapid repartee of the participants.

(Perhaps I am wrong about the $130 meeting costs per politician. Maybe only those Politicians who actually sit on NORD or GVSC will actually get paid. Imagine being one of those non paid Politico sitting next to the guy or gal who is receiving the $130. But at least everyone will get a free dinner and (drinks?) !)

Update: An astute blogreader has left the comment " Coldstream's policy is to pay all participating Council members."

Maybe only Vernon non Nord members will be left unpaid?

1 comment:

Coldstreamer said...

Coldstream's policy is to pay all participating Council members.