Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Ratepayers and Taxpayers

Starlee Speers - Astral Radio News

Residents in both Vernon and Coldstream turned out for two meetings held by their respective taxpayers associations last night. Coldstream Ratepayers Association spokesman Andy Danyliu says, the purpose of their meeting was to rally a no vote for the upcoming referendum. 75 people filled the seats at the Coldstream Elementary Gymnasium. At the Vernon Taxpayers Association meeting, 80 people heard and voiced concerns about the new role of bylaw officers in the city as well as the 31 million dollar price tag for the proposed library civic complex. Coldstream residents will go to a referendum on December 15th to vote on whether they support the removal of agricultural land for parks and recreational use. On January 26th Vernon residents will be asked in a referendum if they support a new library civic complex and the city borrowing up to 30 million for the project.

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