Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Regional Board Will Partly Own Vernon Library

Denise Wong - Astral Media Radio

The Okanagan Regional Library Board are staking claim of part-ownership for Vernon's new library. The board has committed $9 million for the capital costs of the proposed library upgrade. The proposed design would cost an estimated $32.5 million. Vernon will hold a referendum in late January to seek approval for the city to borrow up to 30-million for the project.


Support For Vernon Library by Kim Calloway - Castanet

The Okanagan Regional Library Board has confirmed a $9 million contribution to a new Vernon civic complex that would include an expanded library branch. The contribution is contingent on Vernon voters approving a $30 million borrowing bylaw in order to pay for the entire project. Vernon mayor, Wayne Lippert, says the referendum is scheduled for January 26, and he knows there are people who will vote against it. Lippert is committed to convincing supporters to come out and pass the borrowing bylaw. The downtown complex would include a new Vernon art gallery and some civic office space, as well as the new library branch. Library facilities would more than double their present size.
Don Quixote Note:
If the above media report is accurate it appears that support by the Library board is conditional on utilizing Vernon's borrowing power through the Municipal Borrowing authority. While Vernon has room under the act for this level of borrowing, hopefully it will not impair any other borrowing we might need to make in the future. I would expect the Vernon Council will debate and decide shortly whether they can accept this conditional support.

Whether one level of government can borrow for another different set up taxpayers is something that will be have to be researched. Sounds like a partnership agreement and this section of the Community Charter brings other challenges and obligations to overcome?

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