Sunday, December 23, 2007

Airport earns achievement award

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - December 23, 2007

A prestigious honour has touched down at the Vernon Airport. The city-owned airport and manager Grahame Go have been presented with the B.C. Aviation Council’s William Templeton Trophy for outstanding initiative and achievement. “It shows the development of the airport and its growth,” said Mayor Wayne Lippert. “We have a lot of people who use the airport and work here and a lot of people don’t recognize that.” In 2005, the airport created a strategic business plan and a number of projects have been completed since then. They include a 200-foot runway extension, installation of a certified weather information system, construction of a new self-serve fuel station, implementation of an airport zoning bylaw and expansion of the aircraft tie-down area.There have also been three air shows, and the airport has worked with Okanagan College on its aircraft maintenance engineer program.“The airport has progressed in development and economically,” said Go.

According to city figures, there are 15 businesses and organizations based at the airport and they employ 802 people directly and indirectly. That generates $29.5 million a year in income. Go believes changes at the airport have been positive. “We’ve seen good growth with lease revenue and 20 per cent growth in gas sales. We are working towards an airport that can sustain itself,” he said. But a significant level of criticism has recently been directed towards operation of the airport.Among the concerns are the city taking over gas sales from a private contractor, operating losses at the airport and alleged poor communications with pilots. Lippert said he is aware of the complaints. “We have been working through them and I’ve met personally with some members of the flying club.”

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