Sunday, December 23, 2007

Questions ariseover civic complex

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - December 23, 2007

The City of Vernon denies it is trying to keep residents in the dark over a proposed civic complex. The Vernon Taxpayers Association has recently accused the city of not providing sufficient details on the project which goes to referendum Jan. 26. “To date, there have been no opportunities for public input,” said Tony Stamboulieh, association spokesman, in a release. “The public has been given only design displays and a workshop of design options with no public dialogue.” However, city officials insist they are following an open process.“We will have five open houses and the mayor has asked for a town hall meeting so people can ask questions,” said Leon Gous, chief administrative officer.Gous added that financial information has also been placed on the city’s Web site.On Jan. 26, residents will be asked to approve borrowing up to $30 million over 25 years for a civic building.

The taxpayers association has presented the city with a number of questions about the complex proposal. Among them is how much money Okanagan Regional Library will contribute towards the project and whether ORL will purchase the existing library site. The association is also concerned that city taxpayers could pick up the entire cost of an art gallery in the building. According to Gous, ORL has committed to $9 million for library space, and ownership of the existing library would be determined through a purchase agreement. In terms of the art galley, Gous says the city would pick up $4.8 million in capital costs for the art gallery and an agreement is being sought from the Greater Vernon Services Committee to lease the space.

Gous says he was pleased to see the association show an interest in the complex. “They are fair questions especially because we haven’t had the information sessions yet,” he said. But the association believes more needs to be done. “In order to remedy the lack of public input, the Vernon Taxpayers Association invites all citizens of Vernon to a public meeting Jan. 8 at 7 p.m. at the Schubert Centre,” said Stamboulieh.

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