Monday, December 31, 2007

Mayor Looks Back at 2007

Betty Selin, Astral Media Radio News - Vernon

Vernon's Mayor believes council had a very productive 2007. Among his proudest accomplishments he says police and by-law officers have made a real improvement in the problems of drug dealing and people not feeling safe downtown. Lippert says they shut down 16 drug houses and cleaned up the downtown core. Wayne Lippert also believes they are making progress on the tough issues of affordable housing and homelessness. He says the 40 unit building near the sewage treatment plant will open soon. As for the controversial issue of an outdoor sports complex he says they will keep searching for solutions in 2008.


Anonymous said...

"Proudest accomplishments"-drug houses! It was the previous council that brought the bylaw in-not Flippert! Bylaw officers-great publicity and cost there! 40 units by the sewer plant soon! They are not under construction yet and what has he done as mayor for affordable housing? Nothing-most effort has been by Cunningham.Vernon does not deserve this!

Anonymous said...

The ONLY solution"in 2008" for the wellbeing of Vernon is to send arrogant Lippert and his cohorts on council as well as those in administration who are playing mind games with the taxpayers--- PACKING!!