Tuesday, January 01, 2008

What was the Biggest Municipal Political Blunder of 2007. (Vote in poll on right side of BLOG. You can choose multiple answers)

  1. SIDIT (Southern Interior Development Initiative Trust) has $7.5 million set aside for 2007 and didn't approve one project. http://www.sidit-bc.ca/press_releases.html
  2. Vernon Council: Decided to allow public input on new Library/ Civic Complex only by use of Counter Petition. 6000 people showed them the error of this method. Delay of referendum by 6 months cost $1.8 million in potential construction escalation costs. ($300,000 per month according to Dec. 30 Ad in Morning Star.)
  3. Coldstream Council: Request for non Farm use of ALR land for new Sports Complex goes to referendum and gets shot down.
  4. NORD: Votes themselves huge wage increases.
  5. Vernon Council: Failure to go forward with a new DCC bylaw. Indications are that construction costs will cause a 35-40% increase. Loss DCC revenue adding up.
  6. Vernon Council: No review of Building Permit fees or calculations yet.
  7. NORD: Appoints 4 members to Super Regional Committee to decide on the future of Valley Wide Governannce and not one member represents the Vernon Residential Taxpayer's Class.
  8. Vernon Council: Decided to go to referendum on a Library/Civic Complex on Jan 26 with hastily conceived new plan and without having all financial and partnership ducks in a row.
  9. Vernon Council: Failure to realize that the overhead method of charging their yards operation to NORD has been costing the City's taxpayers $700,000 per year since 2005.
  10. Vernon Council: Failure to negotiate a side deal worth from $50,000 to $100,000 per year with Casino Operator as a community benefit when Casino was allowed to expand and relocate.
  11. Vernon Council: Approve another 6 month extension to local brewery costing $300,000 per year for waste water discharge excess problem.(3rd extension already).
  12. Vernon Council: Approve a 4.95% tax increase to Residential Class while lowering taxes by 6.6% to business class even while there was an operating surplus from 2006 of $1.5 milllion. (roughly 10%)

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