Monday, December 03, 2007

RCMP near full strength (KELOWNA)

by Wayne Moore - Dec 3, 2007 CASTANET

The Kelowna RCMP Detachment will soon be at full strength. It's the first time Kelowna RCMP Superintendent, Bill McKinnon, has been able to make that claim. "We have 24 constables on the way," says McKinnon. "They have either been named and are coming or they are in the process of completing their six months of recruit field training." McKinnon says each new cadet must complete a minimum six months of field training. He says each cadet is assigned a trainer. "For the first four months they ride with the trainer who supervises that member and trains them in all aspects of the job." There are constant panel reviews, and McKinnon says if they are doing well after four months, they can then go out in their own car. They are then supervised on the radio. McKinnon says there are still four NCO positions which need to be filled, however, those positions have been posted around the province and should be filled within three months.

Many of the new constables coming in will be filling spots allocated by City Council over the past few years. "I'm certainly pleased that we are at where we are supposed to be. We have been at 133 paid members for quite some time, but we've had trouble filling the positions because of shortages within the organization." McKinnon says he is now turning his attention to next year. Both Kelowna and the new Westside Municipality will begin budget deliberations soon. McKinnon says he has budget proposals before both council's. "I won't get into the details of those proposals except top say that I have asked for more officers." "It's as simple as this. Our detachment needs to grow as the city grows and that's what it comes down to."

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