Monday, December 10, 2007

A Solution for the Social Responsibility Fund to be negoiated with Lake City Casino Today ??

How much is spent by the Province for advertising and casino promotions like this public information session and is it a fixed percentage that recently has been raised? (answer is On April 1, 2006, the joint marketing fee increased from 0.75% to 1.5% of net win, which amounted to an increase in marketing and promotion expenses at the Burnaby Casino of $325,000 in the six months ended June 2007 from the same period in 2006. These funds, as well as those paid by other operators, are placed in a joint marketing fund held by the BCLC to promote BC’s casino industry, both within and outside the province. Of the Fund’s casinos, the Burnaby Casino and Cascades Casino are the only two casinos that currently contribute to this fund. )

Vernon's Lake City Casino will probably have to contribute the 1.5% of net win if expansion and relocation is approved.
I had calculated the Casino operators share at $8,205,832 million or 28.75% of the gross win of $28,540,144. A 1.5% promotional contribution will be $123,087

Perhaps the BCLC will give up the increase and allow the Casino to pay 1/2 of this money to the City of Vernon Annually for a Social Responsibility Fund ? This would go a long way towards a satisfactory annual contribution by the Casino operator towards the public benefit that is asked from all developers.

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