Sunday, January 20, 2008

Event centre on pace for September opening

By Wolf Depner - Penticton Western News - January 20, 2008 (Full Article)

Construction of the region’s largest infrastructure project remains on schedule. South Okanagan Event Centre construction manager Grant Rae said Giffels plans to “substantially complete” the building by Sept. 18. “We are pretty positive that we can meet this date,” said Rae. He offered this assessment as crews continue to close in the building’s steel skeleton.

Jack Kler, director of corporate services, said the project remains on budget. “I haven’t seen any surprises,” said Kler. The latest available figure pegs the cost of the project at $73.5 million, up more than $17 million from the original price of $56.1 million announced in 2006. Funding sources include borrowing, a provincial grant and casino money.

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