Sunday, January 20, 2008

NO Ad for Civic Complex.

It is my understanding that this ad cost in excess of $500. (Actually it cost $562.50)

You can imagine the cost that the taxpayers are spending for the City's Coloured ad spread over 2 full pages in the most prominent advertising spot in the Morning Star.

This ad will only run 1 day I would think and we have already seen the City's ad at least 4 or 5 times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Upon reading this blog's year report with the list of blunders and lack of direction for the City plus the ongoing saga of the Civic Centre; it gives me pause to think who is at blame. Yes Council makes the ultimate decision on releasing public information and details of the costs. And yes Council decided to proceed with no public consultation on the proposal. At some point however you must ask, who is giving Council the misinformation and who is giving them the options on process. The answer of course is staff. Should the CAO not be accountable at some point?