Friday, January 18, 2008

Shelter Not Wanted Near Dodd's

107.5 KISS FM Pete McIntrye
Vernon community groups are looking at several sites for a permanent homeless shelter, but one of them is not sitting well with a neighboring business. Dodd's Auction owner Bob Woodman says he'll fight any plan to locate the shelter at a site on 33-rd Street. He says it would kill their property value, adding they already have to deal with what he calls prostitues and drug addicts who hang-out near the Upper Room Mission.Annette Sharkey from the Social Planning Council says they're looking at other options, should that site not work out. "We know that its really important that there be shelter services somewhere downtown and we'll continue to work on this until we have a permanent site up and running." Sharkey says once a deal has been reached for a site, significant funding will be invested into staffing and maintenance so property values in that area, could actually increase.

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