Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Sutherland Issues Layoffs

Pete McIntyre 107.5 KISS FM

It has not been a good start to the new year for some Vernon employees of large multi-national company. Sutherland Global Services has placed more than 100 of its local workers on temporary leave status.North American Vice president, Tom Stuewe says the workers are still employed by Sutherland, will maintain their tenure, get medical benefits, and have the option to take vacation pay. He says fluctuations in workload made the move necessary, but new business opportunities may allow for the employees to be recalled at some point.Affected employees tell KISS FM the layoffs resulted from Microsoft Vista switching its technical support from Vernon to India, to save money.


Workers laid off - CHBC Video
Web posted on Wednesday, 09 January 2008

Is the loss of 100 jobs in Vernon an economic gain for India?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's not really a large gain for India, except for the fact that their middle class is going to grow because of the amazing amount of technical jobs taken from Canadian (and American) soil through 'out sourcing'. Which will eventually prompt them to become larger consumers.

What it is though is a way for the brass at Sutherland to work on higher profit margin's with lower costs for doing business. Keep in mind that much our lumber industry, the strong Canadian dollar hurt any techincal outsourcing from companies in the USA.

I won't get started on Stuewe's comments...