Friday, February 08, 2008

City of Vernon Draft Transportation Plan

City of Vernon Draft Transportation Plan

As part of the Official Community Plan (OCP) review process, the draft Transportation Plan is now being brought to the community for comment. In light of the preferred land use option identified by the community last fall, the draft Transportation Plan proposes strategies for the 10 year, 25 year and post 25 year periods, including route connections, additional capacity on existing routes, and enhanced transit, cycling and pedestrian connections. The public consultation process is scheduled from February 11 to February 29, with an opportunity to speak directly to Council at the Council meeting of March 25. The community’s input will form the basis of the final recommendations to Council.

Land Use Context
Detailed transportation modelling has been completed on the land use option selected by the public during the land use consultation phase of the OCP review (Option 3 - Neighbourhood Centres - was identified by 67% of survey respondents as the preferred land use option for Vernon’s future growth and development). In the neighbourhood centre approach, growth is directed into the already built up area of the city, as opposed to the outer undeveloped lands. This approach still permits growth in some new areas, but encourages the majority of growth to happen in and around the City Centre District and identified neighbourhood centres.

Key to the success of this land use approach, from a transportation perspective, is the creation of strong pedestrian and transit-oriented neighbourhood centres, including the City Centre District. This must be balanced with the fact that Vernon is on a key transportation corridor, and that the two primary north/south routes in the city (Highway 97 and 27 Street) both bisect the City Centre District.

Comprehensive Strategies
The 10 year, 10 to 25 year and post 25 year strategies include new road connections and additional capacity on existing routes, as well as enhanced transit, cycling and pedestrian connections. For the post 25 year strategy, assuming trend vehicle use continues, there are two options: West Bypass corridor protection and a no bypass option. The transportation modeling indicates that a bypass route may be required in 40 to 50 years. While staff have recommended the protection of the corridor, a viable alternative is the use of 27 Street and 32 Street as one way facilities. It is important that the community consider the options and let the City know what you think.

Public Consultation
The City wants to hear what you think about the strategies, as well as your priorities for transit, cycling, pedestrian and trail connections. The public consultation period is scheduled from February 11 to February 29. The preliminary results of the public consultation process will be presented to Council at its meeting of March 10. A public input session will be held at the subsequent Council meeting of March 25 for any individual or group to comment on those results. Recommendations will be forwarded to Council following the March 25 public input session. The community’s input will form the basis of the final recommendations to Council.

Information about the draft plan and the survey are available at open houses, displays and on-line at (the survey will be available on-line as of February 11).

Please attend one of the four open houses to complete the survey, see a presentation on the Draft Transportation Plan and the alternatives for the future of transportation in Vernon. Staff will be available to accept your input and answer your questions.

Look for displays and survey on the Draft Transportation Plan at City Hall, Vernon Library, the Schubert Centre and the Recreation Centre. Staff will be available at the Recreation Centre Monday to Friday, from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. to accept your input and address any questions that you may have.

If you would like to schedule a presentation on the Draft Transportation Plan for your group or workplace, please call 545-1361 or email

For information, please contact: Kim Flick, Long Range Planner (250) 550-3594.

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