Sunday, February 24, 2008

Library online is thriving

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by Kim Calloway - Power Feb 24, 2008 Castanet

Our regional library branches continue to be well-used---but more and more of that use is happening on the internet. Executive director Lesley Dieno agrees the growing internet use is making the library 'traffic' numbers somewhat confusing, because borrowing of actual books has declined at some of the system's branches. As well, many patrons now conduct their reservation and renewal business on line. Dieno says the regional system will soon hire a 'virtual branch manager', who will focus on internet services. By the end of this year, all library branches will be equipped with people-counters, so staff can gauge how many people are actually using library services. Dieno has also told the regional library board that the system's DVD collection will soon be expanded to include current movie releases. Currently, most of the library's DVD's and video tapes are educational or instructional. Dieno says most library systems in B.C. already feature movies for lending.

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