Sunday, February 24, 2008

Vernon house fire

North Okanagan: Vernon house fire
Web posted on Saturday, 23 February 2008

A million dollar home went up in smoke Saturday afternoon near Vernon's Silver Star Mountain. Fire crews were called to the home on Melford Road just before noon Saturday. The house was fully involved when they arrived. Nine fire trucks were called in to assist transporting water to the scene as there are no fire hydrants in the neighbourhood. Everyone got out of the home. It's unknown what caused the blaze.

Castanet Fire fought for seven hours by Rachael Kimola
The house is a total loss, but no one was living in it. A structure fire destroyed a house on Melford Road at Swan Lake near Vernon on Saturday. Fire chief Bill Wacey says the fire started just before noon. “When we arrived the flames had broken through and were hitting about 15-20 above the house. We had to call in for support from the Silver Star Mountain Volunteer fire department,” says Wacey. He says one of the big problems they faced in putting out the blaze was a lack of water. “The closet hydrant was four kilometres away so we had to bring in our own water to fight it. That did delay us in putting out the fire, but we were able to save the garage and a pool house. There were several large trees near the house which also burned down but there were no other structures nearby which were at risk.” Wacey says the house had been under renovations for the last year, so no one was occupying it. “The cause is still under investigation. At this point we can’t say one way or another how it started.” Some 25 fire fighters worked on the scene at its peak. Crews took almost seven hours to completely contain the scene.

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