Monday, February 25, 2008

They came with a gift.

By Jeremy Deutsch - Kamloops This Week - February 24, 2008

A large gift, both in size and value as Kamloops MLA Claude Richmond, and Kamloops-North Thompson MLA Kevin Krueger, presented a $375,000 cheque to Kamloops for construction of a Spirit Square. The project, which is expected to cost roughly $750,000, will be a meeting place for residents to celebrate B.C.’s 150th annivPublish Postersary. “It’s important to bring communities together and give them a special place to celebrate,” Richmond said. But beyond this year’s celebration, it’s hoped the Spirit Square will be the centrepiece of the continued revitalization of North Kamloops.Mayor Terry Lake said the square could have gone anywhere, but the choice shows the city’s confidence in putting money into the area.
Don Quixote Note: Another Spirit Square Grant. Has Vernon applied for one yet, Maybe at Polson Park. See also post at Burnaby gets $500,000 Spirit Square Grant.

We have a grants officer in Vernon and it might be interesting to get a report on the outstanding grants that are being applied for, grants that have been applied for and were not successful and those grants that were successful. A Quarterly report to Council and the public might be useful? Other Councils regularly announce their grant requests to the media and this keeps the public aware of the ongoing battle to secure grant monies for our community.

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