Friday, February 15, 2008

Pitch made for committee

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - February 15, 2008

The Vernon Taxpayers Association insists that it, and not city hall, should hand-pick residents to ultimately determine the future of key public institutions. The association has offered its services to the city after Mayor Wayne Lippert called for a citizens committee to be formed to look at the space requirements of the RCMP, museum, art gallery and other organizations. “We want to provide fresh thoughts and ideas. A committee might have a lot of new vision,” said Tony Stamboulieh, spokesman. The association proposes to approach residents who may be helpful in the process. It would then submit a final committee to council for approval. “This jives with the mayor’s idea of putting the issue in the hands of citizens,” said Stamboulieh. Stamboulieh doesn’t believe the city should select the committee. “It has shown a sorry record of representing the overall opinion,” he said of city council’s two failed attempts to get public support to borrow money for a civic complex. “We will find a committee reflective of public opinion and help council bring people on board.” The association is also offering to host public meetings to come up with plans for cultural agencies and the RCMP.

“We could help our council clarify policy items,” said Stamboulieh. Mayor Wayne Lippert says provincial legislation clearly outlines how municipalities must form committees. “If it’s a committee of council, council must determine the terms of reference for the committee,” he said. The process will include advertising for prospective committee members and residents can apply. “The (taxpayers association) can put forward names like anyone else,” said Lippert. Lippert dismisses Stamboulieh's suggestions that council is out of touch with the public and not capable of forming a citizens committee. He says previous plans for civic facilities were developed through widespread consultation with user groups, and he is committed to involving residents. “We’ve had experts look at it and it’s time to put it out to the greater community.” Lippert is also encouraging the association to form its own group to look at the space needs of the art gallery, museum and RCMP. “Documents can be supplied to the association so it can make recommendations,” he said.

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