Friday, February 01, 2008

Women’s centre needs assistance

Feb 1/08 Morning Star

Increased demand is placing a significant strain on the Vernon Women’s Centre. The centre is experiencing increased use of its drop-in services as a result of hours expanding from four to seven days a week. “In November and December alone, we had 877 drop-in visits from women in the community,” said Ann Forrest, executive director. As a result, the centre is asking the community for additional assistance with donations. “The centre’s food stock is down and the centre is looking for donations of non-perishable food items such as canned or dry soups, fruit, vegetables, meats, coffee, sugar, instant noodles, crackers, cereal bars and juice mix,” said Forrest. Also needed is paper towels, toilet paper, laundry soap, Bounce sheets, women’s feminine products and Kleenex. “The centre provides services to about 25 to 30 women per day and food is the most accessed services followed by laundry and shower,” said Forrest.Donations can be dropped off at the centre at 3309 32nd Ave. or residents can call 542-7531 to arrange alternatives.“Once again, the centre thanks the community for its ongoing support and acknowledges the importance of the community working together to address the many needs of women in poverty,” said Forrest.

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