Thursday, March 13, 2008

Stolen Lives showing in LC


The Lake Country Citizens Patrol is hosting a screening of Stolen Lives tonight at 7:00 PM at the Creekside Theater located inside George Elliot Secondary in Lake Country. Admission is free. This is the first fully public screening of the film that won the Founders Award for a Documentary at the New York International Film and Video Festival in September 2007. Sgt. Tim Shields, the Lake Country RCMP Detachment Commander and executive producer of Stolen Lives will be introducing the film.

Stolen Lives is a graphic and gritty documentary film that profiles five car thieves who discuss their drug addictions – the root cause of their auto theft problem – and the negative affects this had on their lives. One of the five is from Lake Country and is a former student of George Elliot Secondary where the screening is being hosted. He is currently serving a two year jail sentence for auto theft.

This film has been endorsed by the Ministry of Education for viewing by high school students throughout the province. The purpose of the film is to show young people the tragic consequences of auto theft and drug use in order to help viewers make responsible and informed choices. The issue of auto theft is not just about stolen cars, it is about stolen lives.

The film contains course language and some graphic hospital emergency room footage. It is not recommended for elementary school age students.

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