Thursday, March 13, 2008

Taxpayers Association Against Portables

Starlee Speers Astral Media Radio News, Vernon

The Vernon Taxpayers Association is calling the city's decision to use portables for temporary office space a 'slap in the face' to those who voted no in the civic complex referendum. Spokesman Tony Stamboulieh says, it's time the city -employed relator advise council of all the office space that's in Vernon. "There is plenty of office space available in Vernon. That comes to us from people in the real estate business." On Monday Vernon council passed a motion to look at putting portables on city land as a short term solution for staff office space.As well, 25 thousand dollars was approved to go towards paying architects if feasible office space was found in the city for a mid-term solution.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What was the name of the song? "when will they ever learn"-well let me tell you this council and this administrator will never learn-they want to keep spending our money foolishly and not listening