Saturday, April 12, 2008

Anticipated Fine Revenue underestimated in budget ?

In the 2007 budget the anticipated fine revenue for acct 216200000 Prov. Govt Revenue Sharing Grant was $394,740.

The actual amount received was $495,253 an unexpected windfall of $100,513.

The 2008 budget has been set at $402,635 which is 2% above last years budget and $92,618 below what we received last year.

In the 2007 Financial Plan was this explanation of how the Provincial Fine Revenue was distributed: 'The City's share of the $40,000,000 provincial revenue is based upon the the City's policing costs compared to all Municipalities policing costs.'
Don Quixote NOTE:
This item will be used in my Public Input re the budget input scheduled for April 14 unless I find an answer or they are corrected by council resolution prior to that date.
Remember at $160,000 per %age point the present budget deficit of 2.26% = $361,600

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