Monday, April 07, 2008

Council to follow own resolution re Police Reserve ??

When I posted on March 14 that the 2007 surplus of $787,483 in the RCMP costs had not been transferred into the Police Contingency Reserve I expected to see a resolution of Council to do so. This has NOT yet happened but maybe I will see it on next Monday's Council agenda.

Moreover they intend to pull from $928,943 from the present reserve balance leaving a balance of $61,607 at 2008 year end to pay for the extra manpower (4 sgts and support staff etc) in 2008. It is acknowledged that these positions will not be filled prior to July 1 at earliest. Therefore I will be suggesting that the budget amounts be adjusted by at least 50% and consequently $464,471 would not be withdrawn from the RCMP leaving a more respectable $526,078 in this reserve.

It is hard enough to get this council to follow their own Council policy and put the required surplus into this reserve but if they knowingly over budget there is no guarantee future surplus might not be hijacked.
All I want is for this council to follow their own resoluted council accounting procedure of transferring these surpluses (or losses) into (or out of) reserves. If the Council of the day chooses to raid this reserve it will then have to be done in open Council meeting with a recorded vote and debate.

Guns and Badges surplus go to Finance Middleton Way! March 14

Last year's 2007 RCMP surplus of $787,483 that was to be transferred into the Police Contingency Reserve was not done. Last year's Provincial Fine revenue of $495,253 that was to be transferred into the Police Contingency Reserve was not done.

They were used in effect to help pay for the Middleton Way financing which was a project that was proceeded with in 2007 despite not being in the 2007 budget.

This official transfer of this money into the Police reserve as is required by Council Policy will be accomplished in the near future by a formal resolution authorizing it and the ratification of the transfer OUT of this reserve for its actual use as a source of funds for Middleton will occur with a simultaneous motion.

The $990,550 that actually remained in the Dec 31/07 Police reserve will be drawn down by $928,943 to pay for the extra manpower (4 sgts and support staff etc) in 2008 leaving a projected reserve balance of $61,607. It was acknowledged that these hires will not result in a full 12 month costs and that a good portion of this draw down will be surplus and will be returned to the reserve to build it back up towards its $1,000,000 cap.

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