Friday, April 18, 2008

Kelowna hiring sister city consultant

by Kelly Hayes -Apr 18, 2008 CASTANET

The City of Kelowna is dolling out thousands of dollars to find out if it wants to expand its sister city relationships by seeking the services of a consultant for guidance. Kelowna currently has sister city relationships with Kasugai, Japan and Veendam, Netherlands. City spokesperson, Karen Cairns, says council wants to get a grasp on whether expanding sister city relationships is worth it. "We want this person to study what the different options are out there in terms of sister city relationships. We're having a number of requests from outside and inside the community." Cairns says the consultant's recommendations will help the City set some parameters. "We're looking for advice on the costs and benefits, the pros and cons, and then council can make a decision as to what it really wants out of these relationships." The successful bid for the contract could earn up to $10,000. The deadline for submissions is May 6.

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