Friday, April 18, 2008

Summerland Library and Vernon Civic Complex CHBC video's

Money wasted? – CHBC Video
Web posted on Friday, 18 April 2008

A lot of taxpayer money was spent on a project Vernon residents didn't want.
Project "too big" – CHBC Video

Web posted on Friday, 18 April 2008

Many residents are not happy about big development plans in Summerland.


The overall concept for the redevelopment of District lands is to allow for residential growth in the downtown area and to generate revenues from the land sale to pay for public amenities within the project area. It is hoped that this development will enhance the downtown area, making it a ‘people place’ that will stimulate further redevelopment of the downtown. This project will create a dynamic neighbourhood in the downtown that will support approximately 500 residents. The plan is a mixed-use development of residential, retail, commercial and cultural amenities over underground parking. The project is expected to get underway in 2008, will be completed in phases, and is anticipated to be completed in 2015.

In the first three phases, the project will provide the cultural amenities of a new library, museum and cultural centre. The new library will be built as part of phase one and will be owned by the Okanagan Regional Library Board. The new library will be twice as large as the existing one, with provision for additional space to meet long term expansion needs. Arrangements are also being made to house those groups that traditionally use the space in the existing library for their activities within the new complex. The museum will be built as part of the second phase and will be purchased by the District “at cost” from the developer. The size of the new museum will be approximately 8,000 square feet. Over the next two years, the District will be working with the community to refine the plans for a Cultural Centre. The District has the opportunity to acquire up to 20,000 square feet of building for the Cultural Center from the developer “at cost”.

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