Tuesday, April 15, 2008

RCMP raid Conservative party headquarters

OTTAWA — The RCMP has raided Conservative party headquarters in Ottawa after receiving a request from Elections Canada. At least two Mounties were at the party offices on the 12th floor of a downtown building today. Elections Canada spokesman John Enright confirmed that elections commissioner William Corbett requested the assistance of the Mounties to execute a search warrant, but he wouldn't say why. Elections Canada and the Conservative party have been engaged a protracted legal battle over alleged campaign spending irregularities in the 2006 election. The party allowed Tory candidates to claim expenses for TV commercials that were produced for the national campaign. The Conservatives insist the transactions were legal but Elections Canada disagrees and rival parties have labelled the scheme outright fraud.


Don Quixote Note: Previous posts on this matter can be found at Sept.26 Mayes campaign questioned ad money------------Minority possible, PM say

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