Thursday, May 22, 2008

Abbott Backtracking

Betty Selin, Astral Media Radio -Vernon May 22

It seems Tuesday's good news was a slip of the tongue. The acute care beds for Vernon Jubilee we told you about in an exchange between the health critic and the health minister aren't approved. Health Minister George Abbott responded to accusations from the NDP by saying the hospital will get $100 million in improvements, including much-needed acute care beds. But, Abbott has now issued a statement, saying the beds are under discussion with the regional health district, but are just one part of the solution. There's been a discussion for months about a shelled in floor that would eventually have more acute care beds, but it now seems that is no further ahead.

107.5 KISSFM Pete McIntyre Abbott says more beds "a good possibility"

BC's Health Minister has backed off comments that made it sound like more acute care beds were on the way for Vernon Jubilee Hospital but he also hasn't ruled it out. During Question Period in Victoria, NDP health critic Adrian Dix accused Minister George Abbott of ignoring doctor's concerns about 41 code purples at the hospital this year. Abbott responded by saying VJH will get improvements as part of the upcoming expansion, including much needed acute care beds. Abbott told reporters a day later, the extra beds are under discussion with the regional hospital district. "Those discussions have not been completed but they are underway and so there's a good possibility that that will happen." VJH Medical staff president Dr Chris Cunningham is encouraged by the possibility of more beds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The sooner Abbott leaves government the better for all people in the province-especially for all in the north okanagan." Mr Bobitt without a clue"