Friday, May 30, 2008

Bunny lovers to rally for critters

Kelowna Daily Courier
May 30
A rally to save the rabbits will be held Saturday along the bunnies‘ favourite stomping grounds. Critics of the City of Kelowna‘s decision to award a contract expected to lead to the rabbits‘ eradication will be out by 9 a.m. at the corner of Enterprise Way and Dilworth Drive. That area is considered to be ground zero in the ongoing rabbit tale, the place where colonies of the feral animals were first established and from which they‘re said to have spread to other parts of Kelowna. “We‘re hoping for a good crowd of people to come out and show their support for the city taking another look at this issue,” Roxanne Woldenga, one of the event organizers, said Thursday. An estimated 2,000 people have signed a petition calling on the city to back away from a decision taken in early May to award a $54,000 contract to EBB Environmental Solutions to control the rabbits. The company is expected to trap and then kill most of the rabbits.

“The killing of rabbits, particularly when relocation options have been offered, is abhorrent to many voters and citizens of the valley,” reads part of a letter to Kelowna Mayor Sharon Shepherd from Sinikka Crosland, president of The Responsible Animal Care Society. Critics believe bylaws allow city council to reconsider a decision within 30 days. June 9 would be the last council date to fall within that time frame. On May 12, Shepherd and Coun. Michele Rule voted against awarding the contract to EBB. Councillors Norm Letnick, Brian Given, Colin Day and Andre Blanleil voted in favour. Councillors Barrie Clark, Robert Hobson and Carol Gran were away.
Don Quixote Note: In Contrast the local rabbit Control Group has applied for a Grant from the Vernon Discretionary Grant Fund and the recommendation from the Finance Committee Thursday for a $5000 Grant will be forwarded to the next Council meeting for approval. This Group spends their money to spay and neuter rabbits rather than making them into hassenpfeffer. Of course this limits the job opportunities for Dick Cheney.

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