Thursday, May 29, 2008

Vernon on Governance

Starlee Speers, Astral Media Radio - Vernon

We're very close to the end of May and there's been no word so far on the direction Okanagan governance is going to take. BC's Community Services Minister is expected to deliver her decision on the future of valley governance before the end of the month. Vernon mayor Wayne Lippert says, he doesn't expect any big changes will be announced until after the next Provincial election in 2009. Lippert says, in the meantime inter-municipal collaboration has already begun, with discussions being held on regional water issues. Earlier this month Chong told reporters that even if status quo was maintained, she wouldn't call the review a waste.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She might not call the review a waste,but most people beleive that she will do nothing and that it has been a hugh waste of time and money.What an arrogant and ineffective MLA.