Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Christensen considers third term

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - May 21, 2008

Okanagan Vernon MLA Tom Christensen is countering suggestions that he may not seek re-election. A Victoria newspaper indicated Sunday that Christensen hasn’t committed to pursuing another term during the May 2009 provincial election. But Christensen told The Morning Star Tuesday the decision is made. “There are a number of considerations such as my family, but I am working towards being re-elected next year,” he said. Premier Gordon Campbell has asked all Liberal MLAs to tell him by the end of this month as to whether they will let their name stand in the election. Christensen, who is mid-way through his second term, says there are a number of reasons to run again. “I’ve very much enjoyed the experience. It’s hard work but it’s fulfilling to be involved in policy discussions,” said Christensen, who is minister of children and family services. But Christensen admits that making the decision was challenging. “There’s a lot of time from home and that’s the biggest downside for me. That’s the only thing that weighs against me,” said the father of three young children. It was also suggested in the Victoria media that Shuswap MLA George Abbott has not committed to Campbell that he will seek re-election.Abbott could not be reached for comment by The Morning Star.


Anonymous said...

How can he look at himself in the mirror-all he has done is qualify for a pension. He has not done anything of substance for this community and has not had the backbone to stand his ground on any local issues.He just clicks his feet together when Gordo snaps his finger.

Anonymous said...

Mr christensen had better start performing for his constituents PRONTO!!
He is not sent to Victoria so that he can be part of a privileged old boys club!!
He is there to work for us the taxpayers and his employers!
Or face removal at the next election!

Anonymous said...

Christensen needs to step down...although I am sure there will be many "Yes Men" behind him to fill the shoes.

Too bad Christensen has long forgotten the days of actually helping the everyday citizen of Vernon and giving us a voice in Victoria....He use to believe in those very things....all things changed the day Gordon Campbell became his boss and dictated all that comes out of the MLA's mouths.