Saturday, May 10, 2008

City of Vernon Audit Committee to Meet ?

May 14, 2008 Municipalities and Regional Districts must send audited financial statements to Inspector by May 15th, as well as LGDE and LGDE Tax forms. [167(4) CC; 814(3) LGA]
May 15, 2008 Forward copies of Financial Plan Bylaw and Tax Rate Bylaw to Ministry of Community Services.
Don Quixote Note: Generally the Audit Committee of the City is briefed by the auditors on the financial statements of the City. There appears to be no scheduled meeting with this committee on the latest posted May meeting list. Maybe the auditors will be presenting the financial statements at the full Council Meeting on May 12
The May 12 meeting does not show any presentation of the financial statements and the finance meeting on Thursday did not discuss them. It appears that Vernon's financial statements may be delayed this year? Generally it the past they have been presented to council prior to being shipped off the satisfy the Provincial Statutory requirement.


Anonymous said...

When was the last time they actually met this time line???

Don Quixote said...

As I remember they have only missed this deadline last year for the first time. Last year was caused by the switchover in CFO's (when CFO left for Kelowna) and low staffing in accounting area. Maybe they will still meet deadline but give report to Council after the fact??

More interesting will be whether the June 30 date for the annual report as required by the Community Charter is met for the first time in 4 years.