Sunday, May 04, 2008

Darkside Meeting at Coldstream Council on Sewer and Vernon's Exit from Water, Monday May 5

What is a Council Meeting?
The general rule that all meetings of council be open to the public is intended to be applied broadly, in keeping with the principle of openness and court decisions on the types of gatherings that are deemed to constitute a meeting. Based on some court interpretations, a council meeting is any gathering:

  • to which all members of council have been invited; and
  • that is a material part of council's decision-making process.

Council gatherings where all council members could be seen to be making decisions, or moving towards making decisions, would meet this two-part definition. All such gatherings should be held in accordance with the Community Charter's open meeting provisions.

Briefings by Staff

Staff briefings to further council’s understanding of an issue that do not constitute a material part of council's decision making process would not typically be considered to be a meeting of council.
Don Quixote Note:
Looks like Coldstream will get a briefing from staff that will not be a material part of their decision making procress on Monday.

'The Workshop type meeting is not open to the public, but a report from the meeting will be produced and made public at a regular council meeting' (from P. A31 May4 Mor. Star.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shame on Corner. He is the one responsible for the attacks on GVSC by Nord because he has no guts. Yes he likes to hide in the dark.