Wednesday, May 28, 2008

GVSC goes over the top

Morning Star Editorial May 28
Leave it to the Greater Vernon Services Committee to take the fun out of Grade 12 graduation. A longstanding tradition in Vernon is for grads to have pictures taken in Polson Park while they are all decked out in their gowns and tuxedos. The setting helps create special memories that the grads and their families will treasure for decades to come. But GVSC has laid down the law, informing schools that there is no parking along the curb in Polson Park and bylaw officers will ticket offenders. No one can blame GVSC for reminding schools or grads of the regulations as vehicles parked along the curb makes it difficult for traffic to get through the narrow lane. There is not only a risk of vehicles being hit, but more importantly, pedestrians being injured. There is an onus on grads to follow the law and park in a responsible manner, but threatening tickets is completely over-reaction on the part of GVSC. Instead of the heavy hand, GVSC could have been proactive and approached all schools in an attempt to allow the tradition to continue while ensuring vehicle access and safety is paramount. In fact, it’s such a good idea, GVSC is throwing it out there now.

But it’s too late for meetings now as grad season is already here. The best route for GVSC would be to show tolerance this year when it comes to parking, and to only take action in those cases where safety and access are severely impeded. After that, negotiations could begin with schools and grad committees to prepare for next year. There was a right way and a wrong way for GVSC to handle this situation, and GVSC failed with flying colours.

GVSC raises council’s ire with grad parking edict
By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - May 28, 2008

Grads are getting a rough ride over parking in Polson Park. City politicians are upset that the Greater Vernon Services Committee is coming down heavy on secondary school graduates who leave their vehicles in no-parking zones while having photos taken at Polson Park. “It’s totally unnecessary,” said Coun. Pat Cochrane of the bylaw crackdown. Grads having their pictures taken in Polson Park is a longstanding tradition, but GVSC recently informed all high schools that there is no parking along the curb within the park and there are two main parking areas there. “With the limited parking spots, please let your grads know that they will most likely need to walk into the park,” states the GVSC letter. “The City of Vernon bylaw officers will be in the park ticketing any offenders.” While the bylaw enforcement officers are Vernon employees, they are enforcing NORD bylaws and the city has no jurisdiction in the matter.

But council decided Monday to ask GVSC to show “maximum flexibility” over parking during the current grad season, and that a policy be set for future years. Cochrane accuses GVSC of over-reacting and says grads are usually only in Polson Park for about an hour. “It’s a great picture opportunity and traffic can still get through. They aren’t creating any harm,” he said. Cochrane also points out that the parking lots within the park provide very few spaces and nearby commercial parking lots are full during the week. “Where are the grads supposed to park?” City hall became aware of the matter after receiving a letter from parent Don Aoki.

“Surely the parking requirements could be overlooked for the five high schools that would likely use this park on their special day,” he wrote. “The photo times take up only part of the day, and traffic congestion would be created for such a short period of time. Remember what it was like to be a grad, and what a damper receiving a parking ticket could be.” GVSC officials defend their actions. “We understand that it’s grad but it’s a matter of making the situation as safe as possible,” said Al McNiven, parks and recreation administrator. During the grad photo events, vehicles often line both sides of the narrow road, making it difficult for other vehicles to get through. McNiven says he is concerned that such a scene may make it difficult for emergency vehicles to get through the park and that pedestrians may be at risk. “There needs to be some order to the traffic and parking.” McNiven isn’t sure if any parking tickets have been issued during this grad season. How to handle these events in future is being considered, and that could include discussions with the grad committees at each school. “One option is to ask them if they have the resources for traffic control,” said McNiven.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh My God! What is wrong with the leaders of this community? What are the parks for if not for all citizrns to use. We pay taxes to keep the pay our so called leaders etc...
So what do they do....limit who and what the park is used for. The grads are a part of this community and should be treated better than this. There are tons of other groups not mentioned here about how they parties, the bowlers, all the groups on long weekends who celebrate in the park.
If parking is a problem at the park, maybe they should solve that problem instead of targetting one group who parents have begged and pleaded with to get to graduation in the first place. Let them be a part of the community, it is a proud day to see the grads celebrate. Why not make it easy for the city to see them...the park is a perfect place.