Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Split vote puts corridor plans on hold

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - May 28, 2008

A critical component of Vernon’s transportation plan has hit a roadblock. Uncertainty over which long-term bypass route, if any, should be in the plan arose after a motion to protect land for a western bypass died in a tie-vote Monday. The issue will come back June 9 after talks with the Ministry of Transportation. “Council is split and looking for some indication from the ministry to help make a decision,” said Mayor Wayne Lippert. “I don’t believe we will get it. At the next meeting, council will have to make a decision on a corridor option or nothing.”

A tie vote occurred because Coun. Buffy Baumbrough has declared a conflict of interest (her family’s land could be impacted by the western bypass). A similar situation could occur again June 9. “I hope councillors will think about it because we need to make a decision,” said Lippert. Lippert and Councillors Pat Cochrane and Patrick Nicol opposed the motion, while it drew support from Councillors Barry Beardsell, Juliette Cunningham and Jack Gilroy. “There’s going to be traffic and where else are you going to put it?” said Cunningham. Beardsell insisted that the motion only protected land for a bypass in a 25-plus year scenario, and didn’t mean the project would happen. “Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. Leave the baby in the bath, and make a determination later,” he said, adding that the matter can be revisited every five years as part of the city’s review of the official community plan. Gilroy believes the western bypass through Mission Hill, Okanagan Landing and Bella Vista would have less disruption than a route through East Hill and the BX.

But that’s not the view of Nicol, who says Mission Hill is a well-established neighbourhood that plays a crucial role in the success of downtown. “The community’s sense of downtown and neighbourhood strength, says no to the western bypass.” Cochrane said that just preserving a corridor could lead to the western bypass taking place. “This is a development corridor. There is a tremendous impact on existing property owners,” he said. That was also the argument from Lippert, who said that designating a corridor would hurt property values for residents in the area. Lippert is in favour of an eastern bypass because he says there isn’t as much development in the rural areas. Like Lippert, Cunningham isn’t convinced that the matter is going to be resolved by June 9. Waiting two weeks isn’t going to make it any easier,” she said.

Gilroy admits that the process has been challenging. “This is the toughest decision we’ve made in my three years on council,” he said. While the 25-plus year component of the transportation plan is in limbo, other parts are moving ahead. Council unanimously endorsed the short and medium-term chapters, which included expanded finances for transit and bicycle paths. The medium-term component (10 to 25 years) includes extending 27th Street to Highway 97 through Polson Park.


Anonymous said...

Oh jeez, here we go again. Rather than taking care of the problem they created by sticking their heads in the sand, City Council wants instead to foist the problem off onto rural Vernon by putting their bypass through the BX? I'm sorry did I say sticking their heads in the sand? What I meant to say was that the Council of the day that decided the overpass was the way to go and the one that voted down the West Vernon option, didn't stick their heads in the sand. Nossir, they decided that they would not act in the long range interests of all Vernon citizens. Instead they decided that they would look after their buddies with property downtown or along the highway corridor. So once again, rather than do their jobs with concern for the future of all citizens, they are more concerned with placating the short-term concerns of the lobby group du jour, or somebody that can profit through whatever goofy-assed proposal they come up with. And just leading into an election; say it ain't so. Trouble is next bunch to come into office will be just as bad.

Anonymous said...

What the hell is Flippert doing now? Some say a politician should think outside of the box-I think that in relationship to Flippert that they meant the cardboard box that he has in place of commonsense. Why would he support an eastern bypass-do you think that he has any logic for it or any intelligent base for his stupid opinion.We do not need people like this shaping Vernon's future.No wonder he does not live in Vernon.