Thursday, May 01, 2008

Halfway House in Full Compliance

Starlee Speers Astral Media Radio (Vernon)

The Vernon halfway house that was closed over public outrage after an elderly man was murdered by a convicted killer on parole, has been found to be in full compliance with the parole boards instructions. Executive Director of the John Howard society Barb Levesque says, they're pleased a National investigative report shows they followed the correct procedures all the way to the minute Eric Fish missed curfew June 21st. "There was no misunderstanding on the part of the Halfway house as to the conditions of Eric Fish's release. Those conditions were expressed to us through his parole officer and written documents we would have received." Eric Fish was on limited day parole which meant he could leave his halfway house, and when he did he became the responsibility of his parole officer. Levesque says, the RCMP were called when Fish failed to return to the halfway house.She says no halfway house in Canada pursues parolees who are unlawfully at large.

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