Friday, May 23, 2008

Library will search for new space

107.5 KISSFM Pete McIntyre

The group looking into the future of the Vernon library is moving to the next step. Okanagan Regional Library Executive Director Leslie Dieno says an eight member stakeholders committee will spend the summer, looking at the options for more space. She says the committee will develop a process for adding more space over the next few years. The city's plan for a new 30 million dollar library and civic complex was turfed in a January referendum. The committee includes Vernon councillor Patrick Nicol, NORD Area D director Rick Fairbairn, Coldstream's Mary Malerby, Peter Waterman from Summerland, Vernon branch head Maureen Kuch, ORL staff Pam Midland and Don Nettleton and Linda Wills from the Friends of the Library. Meantime, the board has approved spending $50,000 for renovations to the library, with most of that for upgrades to administration offices.


Anonymous said...

Are they finally doing what Beardsell said-fix up the staff facilities and build somewhere else?

Anonymous said...

The same old gang that has been responsible for a gross disrespect to the taxpayers and irresponsible wasters of Taxpayers money pursuing their own indulgences!

They will produce more of the same old same!!

New people from the Taxpayers' association should be respectfully appraoched to help out in this matter