Thursday, May 08, 2008

NORD Salaries and expenses released yesterday.

As required by the Community Charter Political Salaries and expenses and staff salaries >$75,000 must be tabled each year. NORD did so today and since they do not put this public info on their website it is produced here for your convenience.

For comparison purposes you can find the 2006 figures at:
2006 NORD STAFF Remuneration > $75,000
May 11/07 Staff Remuneration and expenses
Nord Political Remuneration 2006
May 11/07 Political Remuneration and expenses

When Coldstream and Vernon publish their figures they will be posted here.


Anonymous said...

These bloated salaries never cease to amaze me. I can't wait for the release of the Vernon/Coldstream figures.

Bring out the Bromo!

Anonymous said...

Interesting to see that Barry Gagnon is drawing $10,000 more in wages than the current Administrator. Nice to be able to enjoy your wages in retirement!