Sunday, June 08, 2008

Annual Report to be approved Monday ?

The Annual Report will be available to be picked up and will be posted online at the City's website after approval is given on Monday. It can be found in the Agenda Package - 18.9MB at pages 119-197.

There may however be a slight problem with this report if it is actually produced for the public in the form that it presently has been shown in the Package. The community Charter does spell out both the deadline and the requirements of what MUST be in the report.

(2) The annual report must include the following:
(f) a statement of municipal objectives, and the measures that will be used to determine progress respecting those objectives, for the current and next year;

There are objectives and their results for 2007 in this report (P.47) but there are no Municipal Objectives for either 2008 or 2009. I can not remember the Council discussing in open session the municipal objectives and goals for either this year or 2009 and unless this was done in a DARKSIDE Meeting and these objectives will be presented as a supplement then there may have to be a deferral of the approval of this Report until that debate occurs.

Don Quixote Note: A quick scan of the report produced a few oddities and discrepancies but I will wait for the published ready for prime time hard copy version to do a comprehensive review for the public input meeting to be scheduled tentatively for June 23. But these 2 were too obvious not to be shared and hopefully corrected.

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