Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Books better than balanced at municipal office

The news was all good from Lumby Village Council’s annual audit and financial statement as presented in a mercifully brief summary by Chris Henderson of the accounting firm Murray Rossworn and Co. at Monday’s meeting. The bottom line showed a surplus of $116,000 for last year in place of a budgeted deficit of $300,000. That was partly due to deferral of a large project, Henderson said, “but fair enough, these things come and go.” The audit turned up nothing “in error or materially misleading… everything is perfect within these financial statements, and everyone has been doing a very good job,” Henderson told council, with a nod to the village’s director of finance, Ken Klassen. The municipality is required by law to undergo the audit every year.
Don Quixote Note: The City of Vernon's Auditors gave a full report to the Audit Committee last Thursday and there were no material things to report. These statements will probably be presented to the full Council this coming Monday and should be available online and at City Hall shortly thereafter. The only other subject that may come up is next years audit fee which seems to be projected North of $60,000. This years audit fee will be presented at $42,500 against a budgeted amount of $37,270.

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