Thursday, June 05, 2008

Incline Block Rates must be introduced at Greater Vernon Water.

Water rates are going up or down depending on how much water you use. A new City of Kelowna water schedule given first reading at council on Monday will see water rates adjusted closer to the actual amount of water different categories of water users consume. “Low to moderate users could see a decrease in their bill while higher users could see an increase,” said Don Degen, water and drainage manager.

Don Quixote Note: This has marked similiarilities to a pricing system that I, along with many others, have advocated to Al Cotsworth at the GVSC for years. It is called the inclined block method. (The more you use the more you pay). Perhaps it is time to consider this in the Greater Vernon Region also !) This is a reply that I received from a known expert on water via e-mail last year: (Mr. E. Jackson)

"You are right on with the inclining block rate and should know that early in the water metering program that I instituted in 1992, we went with an inclining block rate structure but for some unknown reason (political??) it was scrapped in favor of the current rate of a small flat fee and a constant unit rate structure. It is well understood that an incling block rate is the way to go as far as fairness and a conservation program. Why not hit the large users who are usually the wasters, with the highest rate? "

These are the Vernon Rates originallly in 1994:
In 1994 Vernon adopted flat and increasing block rate pricing structures. The prices, listed below, are designed to reward users for efficient use. As use increases, so too do water rates:
(a) up to 40 m3/quarter $33
(b) 41 — 300 m3/quarter $0.34/m3
(c) greater than 300 m3/quarter $0.56/m3

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